The Change
At the Cross, at the Cross...
"As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God."
Romans 14:11
This was the prayer my husband prayed over me last week from Stormie Omartian's " book,
The Power of a Praying Husband.
"Lord, release my wife from the guilt that can weigh her down when things get out of balance. In the midst of all that she does, I pray that she will take time for me without feeling she is neglecting other things. Give her the energy and the ability to accomplish all she needs to do, and may she have joy in the process. Give my wife the grace to handle the challenges she faces each day, and the wisdom to not try to do more than she can. Teach her to clearly recognize what her priorities should be, and enable her to balance them well. In Jesus' name I pray."
"Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."
Matthew 6:33
Wednesday morning I awakened at 3:30 AM and listened to the Lord:
The title of our conversation was "The Change." It must be coming.
He began by saying...
He began by saying...
"Lay it down," he said...
"You don't even realize the baggage that you carry.
You don't even realize the changes tomorrow holds.
You don't even realize the treasures you've been given.
You don't even realize the depth that are loved.
You don't even realize the seeds that have been planted.
You don't even realized the harvest to be had.
You don't even realize how fleeting earthly days are.
Come away with Me to see."
So...I'm taking a spiritual retreat next week to see what change is on the horizon.
I may be absent from Boojoyful.
I may be absent from Boojoyful.