Be An Example

Easy to love this one.

“Your life creates an impact.”
Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity, show yourself an example to those who believe.”  1 Timothy 4:12

 A thirteen year old girl attending our ladies summer study spoke up recently and shared how she and her best friend are very much alike, thus they argue a lot.  One recent argument had led to a parting of ways.  This girl has a very godly mother who pointed her to the fact that this relationship would be greatly missed. She suggested her daughter pray about taking the first step towards reconciliation.  Praise the Lord this gal listened to her mother's advice and her apology was received and reciprocated, saving the friendship.  A good example for us all!

In Priscilla Shirer's book Awaken she challenges us to recognize those who have been examples for us and remember we are being watched to see how people might pattern their lives after us.  

Who are some people you strive to pattern your life after?  
Shoot them an email, text or card to let them know why.

The phrase from this lesson that stuck with me was “Your life creates an impact.”
No matter where I am, others are watching. Yikes.  There's a wake up call.

One Sunday at church as I was walking the halls checking on the classrooms a young father came out of a room with his screaming son in his arms and the look on that father’s face was one of total frustration.
He’d obviously been called out of church.  The two headed to the bathroom and the sounds from there revealed a bit of discipline had taken place.  They headed into church, but the devil darts were flying and shortly mom, father and son headed out the doors of the worship center.  I followed fearing they were running for the doors and might never return.

"Wait!" I said.  "My husband and I have 5 sons and I want to encourage you for being here."  They sat down at a table in our lobby where the sermon is broadcast on a screen.  Having seen me exit after this family, my husband came out as well for a brief word of encouragement.  Our prayer is that what Satan meant for bad, God has used for good with us connecting with this family.

May we all be found faithful today to be an example of Christ and love others well.

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