Elihu Who?

Love having  my bundles with me on Sunday mornings.

Melanie Rainer is the editor for Kids Read Truth out of Nashville, TN.   A post from April 1st popped up on my phone and I thought parts of it were simply beautiful and wanted to share.  The article is titled "Elihu's Appeal to Wisdom." Elihu who?

The name had me stumped. Elihu was a young counselor who responded to Job's cry for help in Job chapters 34-35.  As with some other "friends and family" members of Job's, this fellow isn't oozing with compassion, but Rainer relates he is speaking truths about God.

"It is impossible for God to do wrong and for the Almighty to act unjustly."  Job 34:10

Rainer writes, "Sometimes God is silent.  Sometimes He speaks. But He is always just, the standard of all that is good and holy and right. He is almighty, the all-knowing, the only Author and Creator and Sustainer of our faith."

This author goes on to ask, "Do you trust Him-even when He seems silent?"

Here comes the beauty that is worth repeating.  I may even type it up and keep it handy to share with those and myself when in despair. When I need a gentle nudge of remembrance as to who God is.

"So, do I trust the One who spun out the stars, who exhaled Creation and all its glory?  Do I trust the One who was born into the dark and cold, who wept blood in Gethsemane, who died a brutal death for me? My only response to His love is to offer mine in return, despite what I see or understand. I believe that one day, I'll stand before my God in perfect peace and all the fear and unbelief will be gone. Until then, His Word tells me that He is worthy of my hope and trust. He hears my cries and is not indifferent to my suffering, even when He seems silent." 

We all need people who will speak God's truth into our lives.
People who help us remember who God is!

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