Our Greatest Treasure


John Piper wrote about the children of all the Israelites killed in the forty years of wilderness wandering. In a sermon he expounds upon all the miracles those people had seen.  The Red Sea parting, manna falling from heaven and water flowing from a rock. They'd seen wonders, but did they see God as the most wonderful thing they knew of.

Piper wrote: "They did not see God as supremely precious in all of that.  Supremely valuable. Supremely desirable above all else.  They didn't see Him as compellingly beautiful. They didn't see Him as the greatest Treasure...or have the kind of heart that moves from amazement at the wonders of God to the love for the wonder-working God himself.  You've seen Him as powerful, but you haven't seen Him as precious."

How do we see God?

Is He our first love?

Are we amazed at His wonders?

Is He invaluable?

Do others recognize our immense love for Him?

"Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."  Matthew 6:21

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