Who Hopes for What is Seen

These two know they are children of the King and that makes them princesses!
They hope for the day they see their King.

"Who hopes for what is seen?"

The phrase flashed across my phone screen and vanished, but it got my attention. I have no idea where these pop ups come from. It's creepy how these devices have invaded our private space. Just how do these algorithms work and who is behind them.

What an excellent thought though.  If we can see it, hold it, and know it exists then it is believable  and we don't hope for it.  Hope is a complex emotion filled with expectations and desires for the unknown future.  Heaven is one of my greatest hopes! It's unseen, out of this world, and takes faith to believe in.

We don't want a God we totally understand and have all figured out. We want a God who is way beyond our understanding and allows us to hope for things that are unseen like eternal life!

As I continued contemplating where and why that phrase came bolting into my life I plugged it into a Biblegateway search and up popped Romans 8:24

"Now in this hope we were saved, but hope that is seen is not hope, because who hopes for what he sees?"

Whatever we are hoping for today can be placed at the cross with confidence, because we have been created by a God who know all our hopes. He knows the desires of our hearts and hopefully Jesus is at the center of all our hopes.

"Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart."  Psalm 37:4

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