Jesus on Display

Spring Refreshment

This little one is clueless there is a virus attacking the world.
Hearing us talk about Jesus and the angels watching over him brings a smile to his face.
Maybe we should be talking about Jesus more and the virus less.
(I posted Saturday and Sunday, which I don't usually do, but I had plenty of time!)

In March, I read a sermon by David Jeremiah. It stated that "Jesus refers to what will happen at the end of the age as a 'pestilence'". (Luke 21:11)  It went on to give this definition from Merriam Webster for pestilence: "a contagion or infectious epidemic that is virulent and devastating."

Jeremiah said, "That's a pretty good description of what is going on right now.:  He continued, "Jesus said this pestilence would arrive like 'birth pains'  This means that it will increase in frequency and intensity in the time leading up to His return.  This means that as the end approaches, we should expect infectious disease outbreaks to occur more frequently, impact more people, and be more deadly.  This is what the coronavirus threatens to do."

He goes on to say covid19 probably isn't the pestilence Jesus was referring to, but it is none-the less a sign.  "A reminder of things we too easily forget. The coronavirus teaches us the vulnerability of everyone; the credibility of the Bible; the uncertainly of life; the scarcity of hope; and finally, the sufficiency of Jesus...Jesus doesn't just overcome the event. He overcomes the environment where the event happens, he explained. In these challenging days, we cannot forget what Jesus told us in 2nd Corinthians 12:9, that His grace is sufficient for us...The sufficiency of Jesus Christ for those who have put their trust in Him will be on display everywhere."  

My question for us today is...Is this experience changing us spiritually?  We may be socially distancing, donning masks, spending less money because we have less income, missing dinners with family and friends, but is there any difference in how our faith is being displayed?  

Do others see us as stressed and anxious or do they see us as people who truly believe God's grace is sufficient for all our needs?

May we display Jesus today!
"But blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence."
Jeremiah 17:1

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