A Good Foundation

Bless his bones...this was a head scratching situation from one end of the property to the other.

We have a creek that runs through our property, but last week it became a pond.
We tried to cross this bridge only to realize it had been raised off it's foundation.

Foundation-an underlying basis or principle for something.

There is only one reliable foundation upon which we are to  build our lives and that is Jesus Christ.

Oh Christ the Solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand. 

"You are the foundation on which we stand today. You always save us and give true wisdom and knowledge Nothing means more to us than obeying you."  Isaiah 33:6

"You Gentiles are no longer strangers and foreigners. You are citizens with everyone else who belongs to the family of God.  You are like a building with the apostles and prophets as the foundation and with Christ as the most important stone.  Christ is the one who holds the building together and makes it grow into a holy temple for the Lord.  And you are part of that building Christ has built as a place for God's own Spirit to live."  Ephesians 2:19-22 

When things around us are faltering we need to get out a measuring stick and see how things align with God's Word.  What we are seeing on the news is not from God.  Today is the Day of Pentecost.

Lord, our Kinsman Redeemer, pour out Your Holy Spirit and revive our hearts, have us turn from our wicked ways and be known as a nations who has turned back to You. Take the bitterness, darkness, and unrest and work it for Your glory.  For that person who has never called upon You as Lord and Savior may today be the day they have the courage to take that step. For those of us who cower in sharing our love for You because it may not be well received, give us a boldness to step out and tell the world of the amazing sacrifice You made for us.  Father, if You know we are not turning back, then send Jesus today!  In His Name. Amen

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