
These flowers adorned the tables at one of our sons' weddings.
It was Mother's Day weekend thirteen years ago.

Isn't it amazing how God uniquely created mothers, whether with skin, feathers or fur, they were designed to be nurturers and caregivers. God equips mothers with a body to birth, breasts to nourish, an instinct to detect trouble and a heart to hold their children close wherever they may be.

One of our daughter-in-laws sent me a bracelet that says "Grateful" and it is a sweet reminder for me to be grateful for the privilege of praying for our children and grandchildren as they maneuver life. We all chuckled at the another gift they bestowed upon me. A cute, cute polka dot tote bag. Our granddaughter selected this so that I would have something fun to tote my Bible in when I go down to our beach area. I do love to do Bible study on the beach, dock and boat. This little one lives far away and only gets here once or twice a year, but I am thankful that is how she will remember me.  A Bible toting granny.

This is the first year in our lives my husband and I do not have a mother to visit and spread love, gifts and appreciation upon.  It's a rather strange feeling. The greatest gift for us is knowing both our mother's loved the Lord and have eternal life.

Today's Promises of God Coloring Page
"And this is the promise that He has promised us-eternal life." 1 John 2:25

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