God is in Control

"Give thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of Christ Jesus for you.
1 Thessalonians 5:18

"The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps."  
Proverbs 16:9

"...when we are tempted to serve the idols of control and self-assurance, let us remember them for what they are-false and deceiving masters. Let's turn instead to our sovereign and faithful God, who does all that He pleases to bring Himself glory while He demonstrates His steadfast love.  When we place our need for control within His hands, we become reflections of His glory and steadfast love.  And that, dear friends, pleases Him very much." (I think this may have been from Ruth Chou Simmons_

As I dove back into this ministry a few days ago,  I found the beginning of this old post that had been scheduled to go out June 11, 2020.  While God was certainly in control at that time, my mind was not as I was suffering from PTSD following the pit bull attack on our grandson.  I was not "giving thanks" in that situation and I was not allowing others to see the strength of the Lord in me, thus bringing God glory. That failed opportunity still bothers me to this day.  The mind is a powerful thing and often takes us to places and embark on actions God never intended for us.  No matter the circumstances we need to be in the habit of surrendering to the Holy Spirit, so when crisis come we instinctively allow Him to take over.

We will all face "God gets the glory" opportunities in the next seven weeks. The holiday season of Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years has the potential to be the craziest time of the year, instead of the song lyric "The most wonderful time of the year."  Will we follow the ways of the world in its hustle and bustle and shopping frenzies or be seen as a beloved friend of Jesus, who loves to sit at his feet.

What can we do to be seen as "set apart" in regards to how we celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas?

What will it take to change the heart of our holiday plans to reflect the steps the Lord has established for
each day and not what we have placed on our calendars?

Every year I know the importance of this challenge and every year my heart gets on the personal track of "Boo's" plans.  Being a pastor's wife now exacerbates the problem with all the "good" the church does during this season.  The pace is way to fast.

Open the eyes of our hearts Lord and order our steps to see where you want us to join You.

It's all about Jesus.

Ha!  God calling me, at this season,  to start writing this daily devotional again is a way to keep me close 
to the King!  Oh, Father, find us all to be obedient and trusting in Your plans.  They are always grand!

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