Grab and Go With God

Shiloh means "place of rest".

A couple weeks ago my 2:22AM inner alarm sounded, so I grabbed my laptop from the bedside table, yes with my husband sleeping beside me, and clicked away writing. As I struggled with the frustration of this reoccurring middle of the night wake up call, a daily email I subscribe to popped up from 365 Promises offering exactly what God wanted me to grab.  After reading this post I asked my Shepherd to watch over me while I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. The post read...

Promise #13:
I will give you rest in green pastures and lead you to still waters.

Psalm 23:2  
He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters.

"Everything that a shepherd does is for the benefit of the sheep... In the hustle and bustle of life, we all need to find rest in green pastures. It is interesting to note that David says that the Lord makes him lie down in green pastures. Maybe there are times in our lives where the Lord will make us rest even if we don't think we need it?"

Think back on the times God has ordered your life in a way that possibly seemed painful at the time, but it made you stop, lie down and look up and listen to Him. Ugh. It seems that monthly He has to find a way to stop my hustle bustle.  He has allowed broken ankles, broken vehicles, even broken relationships to get me to stay still. "The Germ" as I call a virus that has changed all our lives certainly has slowed the pace of our world and caused us to stay in place when we might have been scurrying off.  Weather disturbances are another "stay put" tool God can use and power outages can cause us to unplug from things that distract the process of hearing from God.

The next time the Great Shepherd allows an interruption in our lives that brings us to rest in His green pastures, let's rejoice.  Rejoice and choose to find refreshment in still waters.  Choose to find peace in the pleasure of His presence and the warmth of Christ's love.

The title of today's post reminds us to evaluate what we reach for in times of need.  By opening a scripturally based devotional, a Bible study, a scripture card, or God's Word we allow God to pour into us the truths we need to hear during the restless times of our lives.  

Is God's Word within reach in a non-electric or battery format in every room in your house?
Are there in print prompts that visually catch your eye and the eyes of those visiting in your home affording all the opportunity to turn God's Word for wisdom and encouragement?  Grocery stores have "grab and go" sections. Let's stock our homes with "grab God's Word and go" opportunities that allow Him to speak truth to all who enter.

The Song "Word of God Speak" by Mercy Me

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