Real Life Conversations With God

Conversation Hearts

I should have been on the treadmill hours before, but on my way to get dressed for a workout, I picked up some fabric which had been sitting in the corner of the kitchen for months waiting for me to use it and recover some stools. The distraction almost grabbed me when I felt the prodding from that still small voice that I should be working out. The conversation with God went like this.

God: "Go work out."

Me:  "It takes too long.

God; "It takes 30 minute and could save your life."

Me:  "You already saved me life!"

God: "Right! For MY purposes, now go work out."

Whew, Jonah didn't walk the way God told him to and remember where he ended up. Honestly, I wish digging into God's Word was the only workout we needed.

But this is what I commanded them, saying, ‘Obey My voice, and I will be your God, and you will be My people; and you will walk in all the way which I command you, that it may be well with you.’  Jeremiah 7:23

The Song "Talking to Jesus" by Elevation Worship

This video may not be "your style" but it has a powerful message.

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