
 Our 10 year old grandson and his seasoned instructor.

Opening my eyes from an early morning prayer time on 2/12, I looked out the windows to see the white birds had return!  Every February these birds descend upon our cove very early in the morning.  I don’t know where they are on their journey, they never stay long, but they always return here along their way. In a similar pattern we have a little hummingbird that comes back to our deck each year. These birds are such a sign of God’s guidance and consistency.  

Usually there are only three white birds, this year there was a fourth.  The first time I saw one flying towards Shiloh I thought, here comes the Holy Spirit. For me the three birds represent the Trinity. The presence of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The word return set me thinking about life here in a summer resort community where so many people return each year to create memories and enjoy the beauty of the mountains and the lake.

Ever since I was a young girl we have returned to the Homestead Resort in Hot Springs, VA.  Our children grew up learning to ski on their small slopes.  Now our daughter and her husband are taking their children there to ski.  This year our 3 year old grandson took lessons from a woman who has been teaching there for 60 years!  She probably taught me, but certainly taught our children.

The greatest return story is yet to occur, although it has been promised in the Scriptures years ago.

The Day When Christ Returns

You know what sort of times we live in, and so you should live properly. It is time to wake up. You know that the day when we will be saved is nearer now than when we first put our faith in the Lord. Night is almost over, and day will soon appear. We must stop behaving as people do in the dark and be ready to live in the light. So behave properly, as people do in the day. Don’t go to wild parties or get drunk or be vulgar or indecent. Don’t quarrel or be jealous. Let the Lord Jesus Christ be as near to you as the clothes you wear. Then you won’t try to satisfy your selfish desires.  Romans 13:11-14 CEV

The Song "Jesus is Coming Back" Jordan Feliz

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