Get to Know the Man Part 2

These two know each other soooo well!

Why wouldn't you love Jesus?  What does it cost you to follow Him?  I struggle with understanding what others see as a threat or weakness in belonging to Christ, because of how much I love Him and how much more peaceful my life is with Him.

It reminds me of when I try to get the grandchildren to eat I find myself saying,,,'How could you not like strawberries, raspberries or cheesecake?  If you'd just try it!"

Occasionally, in a group Bible study people will get hung up on having to understand what a parable or teaching really means and End Times discussions on millennialism, premillennialism and dispensationalism really can get eyes rolling and frustrations flying.  We do not have to understand all the ways of God to believe. It's a good thing He is unbelievable. That makes him God!

Excerpts from The Truth and Beauty by Andrews Klavan

"My deepened relationship with God augmented my talent for living....Accepting Christ had transformed me into a weirdly peaceful monster, joyful in every little thing...Not happy in everything-that would have made me a loon. But alive to life of the moment, and twice alive to the people and things I loved."

Klavan shares of his frustrations of totally comprehending his faith journey in a conversation with his scholarly son, who has this amazing response applicable to us all.

"Maybe the problem is that you are trying to understand a philosophy instead of trying to get to know a Man." Klavan says. "I recognized this on the instant as the single smartest thing anyone had ever said to me."

"How much of our reading Scripture is missing Jesus Himself?  

How often do we try to unscrew the inscrutable instead of just knowing the voice of Jesus and leaning into Him as a friend?"   Devotional Daily-Faithgateway

If someone asked you to share 10 things you like about Jesus, how would you respond?

The Song  "Jesus" by Chris Tomlin

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