Giants in the Land


The most gentle giant we know.  He named me "Mama Boo" back in 2004.
  This photo is from a visit in 2020.

If you have been watching March Madness you have seen some talented giants on the court! If you are watching the news you see the giant army of Russia attacking Ukraine.

I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken for He is right beside me. Psalm 16:8

When we think of giants in the Bible our minds gravitate to Goliath and how the unlikely hero, David, equipped  himself with his sling shot and five stones.  Those stones can equate to five characteristics that carried David to conquest.  

1) Commitment-hearing Goliath's insults against his God, David was committed to take a stand.

2) Courage- David was not afraid. He trusted in God and the skills he had given him.

3) Communication- David spoke God's truth exposing the lies and insults of Goliath.

4) Capability-while not a trained and experienced soldier, he had fought lions and bears.

5) Confidence-David's confidence was not in himself, but in the God he knew so well.

What are you confronting that seems to be of giant proportions?

Our God is greater!  Death looms as a giant over many, but God has even provided a way for life ever lasting.

This weekend I spoke with a friend whose husband is home on hospice. She knows his time is near. She has had to move into a separate bedroom and shared with me that she cannot sleep at all.  After 71 years together, and having known each other since 6th grade, she dreads life without him.  

I told her I'd been contemplating which is tougher, birth or death. It couldn't be pleasant squeezing through that birth canal, but none of us remember the process. Then learning to sit and stand is a process that brings some bangs and bruises.  My friend and I agreed the difference was the ways our support system views these challenges.  We are cheered on though life's early accomplishments, but clung to and wept over by heavy hearts as we depart this world. 

Look back at the five stones and consider how those same characteristics can assist those who love the Lord in the death process. (Both the dying and the loved ones on the side lines.)  Yes, with God all things are possible for I know He is always with me.

The Song

"Giants Fall" by Francesca Battistelli

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