Give God the Glory

Years ago, the gentleman in the center of this photo was a football player at UNC and our children selected him as a pen pal.  He became a part of our family. tied together closely by our common love for Christ.  He married a godly woman whom we love deeply and they have three children.  Their oldest son became an NFL quarterback five years ago and that has been quite a unique, ever changing adventure. They handle that whole world much better than I ever could.

We were at one of his games three years ago where he was knocked unconscious and that did it for me. Playing this game is his passion though.  This week of preseason play he was moved down to third string, although he has had two great preseason shows.  

Preseason in the NFL is truly a tryout every year. Cuts and trades are part of the business.  I texted this young man, whom I've loved for 27 years, after the game and told him "I think I saw God smile during his after game interview."  This QB began the interview saying, "First of all, thank You, Lord, you are a gracious heavenly Father,"

I also, texted saying that the Biblegateway verse of that day was Psalm 16:8.

I will always look to you, as you stand beside me and protect me from fear.  I texted..."That's a great verse for all you NFL guys.  When we walk with God into the unknown each day we can walk with our heads up knowing he is leading us to the next place we can bring Him glory.  That's what it's all about."

The Song

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