Sabbath Sights at Shiloh

The Hotel Shiloh closed its doors for a couple days & the owners got to kick back and enjoyed the sights.
Our heron has gotten enormous and came right up into the yard, then a butterfly and hummingbird flew right up to the planter beside us.  My husband snored through it all, but I took pictures to prove the sightings of God's amazing creation.

Just the day before we had chuckled at a fat ground hog shaking his booty at us as he scurried to a hole in the bank of our shoreline that he calls home.  Our Shiloh rabbit has really increased in size since spring and the chipmunks who can be a bit pesky are downright chubby.  The raccoons have pushed us to the limit, leaving their filthy footprints as proof of their whereabouts and the deer stand in the yard and stare us down as they devour our plants and leave their droppings like land mines for us to avoid in the yard, but they are beautiful to watch.

We know the Lord, God made them all.

Do you have a time of weekly Sabbath? How often do you quiet yourself and allow yourself to be amazed at God's creation?

Challenge yourself to find a day to take in a sight, a sound, a smell, a touch and a taste of things God has created for your enjoyment.  Then, tell someone of the unbelievable works of God.

How many are your works, Lord! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. There is the sea, vast and spacious, teeming with creatures beyond number – living things both large and small.  Psalm 104:24-25

The Songs
For the Kids
"All Things Bright and Beautiful" 

"Creation Sings" by Stuart Townend

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