Smiles are Contagious

Our Minnesota grand-man!

Smiles are Contagious 
A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance, but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken.
Proverbs 15:13

Or Happiness makes you smile; sorrow can crush you. Proverbs 15:13 (CEV)

A cheerful look brings joy to the heart.  Proverbs 15:30

A smile in your heart means a smile on your face. What goes on inside, shows up outside.

Also, a smile is a great weapon against grumblers.

I really don’t like wearing masks because they cover up our smiles.  I find myself looking at people and saying, “I’m smiling under here!”

When the pandemic began, I was coming out of Kroger one day and quickly removed my mask in the parking lot.  That alone probably made me smile, but there was a lady in a van who rolled down her window and said, “Thank you for smiling. No one ever smiles anymore.” 
What a sad truth that was. I replied, When you love Jesus and know how much he loves you it’s hard not to smile.  Jesus is our joy!  God’s Word says Jesus sets our hearts to singing.

and you gave me a new song, a song of praise to you.
Many will see this, and they will honor and trust you, the Lord God.  
Psalm 40:3

Who do you think smiled in the Bible?
Mary when she looked at the baby Jesus.
David when he praised the Lord.
Rahab when she helped the Israelite spies escape.
Naomi when she danced at Ruth and Boaz’s wedding.
Noah when he saw the dove return with a branch.
Peter when his chains fell off in prison.
Jacob when he saw that Joseph was alive.
The father of the prodigal son who returned home.

Snow White told the dwarfs to whistle while they worked. I’m challenging all of us to smile while we go through our day,  because smiles are contagious and they do not cost a penny to give away.

Look at Jesus and smile!

We have smiley face stickers to give you to give away to your friends here at R and P.

The Song  (Do not miss it.)
"Smile" Sidewalk Prophets

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