Sometimes We Really Miss It


This man wonders the property at Shiloh around 4:30 in the morning.
Many a person has wondered who this man is.

Our minds are a mess!  I need to start my mornings repeating 2 Corinthians 10:5

We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to Christ.

My mind is so fast to rush off in the wrong direction.  Being alone at Shiloh is not always my comfort zone.  Tuesday morning I was heading back in from an early morning water aerobics class.  Rarely do you pass a car on the 1/2 mile long Moonriver Lane, but this particular morning an older model car was exiting our road.  A young tattooed man with a cigarette hanging out his mouth and smoke wafting from his window slowed down to let me pass. I had already put my window down to inquire who he was departing this private road.

He got the jump on me, which unnerved me a bit.  I smiled and he said, "Is everything alright?"  Hmm, Im thinking, You tell me?  Rather early for visitors down this way.  But instead I said, "Yes, I'm fine.  Is everything is okay down there?" (Pointing towards home.)
He said, "Yes, I was installing a ladder." And he drove off.

Seconds later a pick up truck came up the road.  Then seconds more, another truck.'
By this time my heart rate is up and I'm looking to see if the back of that truck is full of furniture. 

I pull into our garage and God whispers.  "You missed it again.  You allowed yourself to grow anxious, when you could have asked for his business card and made some good connections with repair men...not to mention invited them to church!"

Why do we often think the worst, believing the lies of the enemy?  Here's the clincher.  The day before this happened I had taken an all day, online course by Louie Giglio called "Don't Allow the Enemy a Seat a Your Table".  He taught on exactly what I had allowed my mind to do.

Tomorrow I will share a daily rhythm exercise Giglio suggests we do.  I even did that on this particular morning before I headed out as the sun was rising and still fell captive to the lies of the enemy.

The Song  Great song!
"Truth Be Told" by Matthew West

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