Only One Knows Our Hearts


Last week I was wounded by words three times.  Once by a stranger in Dollar General who got angry that I was not standing close enough to the man in front of me in line.  That gentleman was in his late 80's or 90's and purchasing tobacco or alcohol, because much to his surprise he was carded! There was a great deal of exchange between the check out girl and the man. 
The angry man said to me, "Are you in line?" I quietly replied, "Yes". He then said, "Well, what's your problem standing back this far."  It was actually where the line begins, but I said, "I am allowing him to finish his business." The man then stepped in front of me and went up to the counter right behind the other man. I said, "Excuse me sir, but I explained that I am in line."  With that he yelled at me, "Then get up there!"  

The incident truly rattled me. My husband was in the car waiting and asked after I shared what had happened, "Well, did you ask him if he was having a bad day and offer to pray over him?"  I said, "No, I think he would have shot me".

The next day I received a series of hurtful, accusatory emails from someone who had read one of my devotionals. She doesn't know me personally and had totally misread my heart. Another was from a close friend who seemed greatly offended when I had to regret a gathering at her home.  

Each time I thought, "Thank You, Lord, that You know my heart" even though these others do not.

Then the lesson came as I dug into Becoming and Beholding #9. (More on that tomorrow.)
I realized I've been wounding someone I love dearly with my words. I'd like to think this person knows my heart and intent, but my words have not been received that way, so I needed to seek forgiveness. God allowed me to feel the hurt of others to see my own sin.  Thank You, Lord.

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.  Ephesians 4:29

The Song
"Broken Things" Matthew West

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