Make It Through


My husband and I are thoroughly enjoying our subscription to PureFlix and just finished watching Karen Kingsbury's series "A Thousand Tomorrows" about a young barrel racer with cystic fibrosis and another show called "7 Days in Utopia" about a professional golfer.  Both exemplify what it looks like to walk with the Lord through strenuous trials.

He's the Way Maker!  Hallelujah.
Thus says the Lord, who makes a way in the sea, a path in the mighty waters.  
Isaiah 43:16   
For those of you following my health saga it became even crazier yesterday.  I awakened with the knee feeling the best it has felt in 3 months.  My Bible study group was here at Shiloh and I told them, maybe I am not supposed to go in and have the scan (last week when I arrived in Roanoke for the scan I was told at the last minute the radiologist in the office that day did not know how to do the type CT I needed, so they had to reschedule).  They all quickly exclaimed, "Go get the scan."  A friend was driving me to Roanoke where my husband was working that day and he was going to meet me.  It was a 40 minute wait for the appointment and then they took me into what looked like an operating room, no CT machine or MRI present.  There were two nurses. One preparing a surgery tray on which lay a couple very large syringes.  Hmm.  Another nurse asked me to sit in a chair for some questions. She asked if I had received a call explaining this process. I said, just that it was a CT with contrast that would be injected.
She continued to explain first a radiologist would come into this operating room and inject the knee with a fluid that would fill the whole knee cavity, then I'd be wheeled in for the CT.  Praise the Lord he prompted me to say, "You know I am on a blood thinner, correct?"  She said, "Yes, but you stopped it over 7 days okay, right?"  "No, no one mentioned this," came my shocked reply.  Her response, "There is no way we can do this procedure."  Holding back tears, mostly of relief I think I walked out.
So, we are stepping back (gingerly on this leg) continuing PT and getting through the next two weeks enjoying out of town family, rejoicing over what Easter means and trusting the Lord for what is next.

The church women's connect group I am in is about to embark on a 50 day devotional study by Lysa Terkeurst called Your Going to Make It.  The day the books arrived this song came popped up on my youtube thread.  "Make it Through".  There are so many of us who need to remember that God does make a way when there seems to be no way.

Don Moen's lyrics  

God will make a wayWhere there seems to be no wayHe works in ways we cannot seeHe will make a way for me

He will be my guideHold me closely to His sideWith love and strength for each new dayHe will make a way, He will make a way
The Song
Make It Through Leanna Crawford

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