Be Cautious

Attending a wedding recently at The Sawgrass Golf Resort in Florida this site brought a chuckle.  Just beyond the sign was a golf challenge. Now I grew up a tennis player and was trained to keep my eye on the ball.  I know very little about golf, but would think you are to either focus on the ball or that flag designating where the hole is. Either would be a difficult task while watching out for snakes and gators at the same time.

Would you say you live cautiously, carelessly or recklessly? 

One who is wise is cautious and turns away from evil, but a fool is reckless and careless. Proverbs 14:16
I do know in golf you want to avoid the traps. There are traps set daily for us in our lives. I fell into one the other night.  I ate two dark chocolate brownies after dinner and the caffeine kept me awake until 2AM!
During that time I watched a TV show and while I was trying to pray myself to sleep I caught myself thinking about a dilemma in the show.  Quickly, I took that thought captive and thought, that's not even a real life problem, get back on your real prayer list.
The next trap was the worry one over the health issues I struggle with. I know better Do not be anxious. All three were foolish, foolish foolish.  
Be cautious! Our minds will take us places God never intended for us to go.
The Song
"First Things First"-Consumed by Fire


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