How Did You Get Old

 Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. 

Colossians 3:2  

So, I've been limping for four months and not up to my usual Mama Boo activities with the grands.  I can come up with the ideas, but have to have their parents carry out the mobility parts of the projects.

A couple weeks ago our four year old grandson, who lives very close by, started limping too. His pre-school teacher shared he limps all day long. His mother decided she better take him for an x-ray, but all is well.  We think he is sympathy limping with me.

He looked at me the other day and said, "When did you get old Mama Boo?"  I could tell his little mind was wondering when this was going to happen to him.

We had a wonderful discussion on how we age every day and that we are called to our eternal home at different ages.  The emphasis was on the fact that the best is yet to come and we got into a detailed discussion on heaven.

Have a healthy conversation about heaven with someone today because you are not getting any younger!  Give those you love the gift of knowing exactly where you are going when you leave this earth.

PS...My husband and I are baby sitting this young man and his two older brothers. Climbing the stairs one at a time to tuck him in, he began walking the same slow way up the stairs beside me.  He said, "I'm being limpy just like you!"  Oh, Lord, please do not let my new nickname become Limpy.

We should be cheerful, because we would rather leave these bodies and be at home with the Lord. 2 Corinthians 5:8

The Song

I Can Only Imagine

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