Perfect Peace

Our sweet 4 year old granddaughter is sleeping in perfect peace.

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, 

because they trust in you

Isaiah 26:3

More insight from Lysa Terkeurst 

"God is in the quiet. Lonely is His invitation away from distraction. Say...
I will get up.
I will trust God.
I will get healthy.
I will get strong.
I will get prepared.
This isn't an ending. Every great start begins with a stop."

In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.  Psalm 5:3 

"While we sit in quiet, we wait expectantly. We can listen. Grieve. Learn.  Heal. And walk forward knowing that because of God, whatever was meant for harm only served to make us more capable....Isn't it the loveliest thought that God might be waiting for there to be some silence in our lives to share some of His best secrets with us?
The enemy wants us to believe that times of silence are a curse of loneliness.  A burden of shame. A reminder of the remains of what once was bit is not longer. But God wants us to know the times of silence are really pathways to closeness with Him."

The Song

“Same God” by Elevation

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