How We See Things


If you are not in the habit of hanging out with youngsters, go volunteer in your church children's program or at least at Vacation Bible School this summer.  Maybe there is a neighborhood child you can build a relationship with.

Two of our grandchildren brought smiles to my face as I listened to their perspective on what they saw on the lake.  Sunday the ice cream boat  (a decked out pontoon) came into our cove selling ice cream. Our 2 year old granddaughter above was elated with her oreo popsicle.  Later another pontoon came into the cover and she yelled, "An ice cream boat!"  With positive expectancy she thought all pontoons offered delicious treats!

While she was swimming, a group of three people past our dock on paddle boards. She swam right up to them and questioned  "A boat?"  One of the ladies said, "A paddle board."  She repeated the new word "a paddle board" and filed it away in her brain. 

Our Tampa grandson was out for a boat ride and looked out and sail this little house boat. With enthusiasm he said, "Mama Boo, it's a cruise ship!" I'd like to take him on a cruise ship some day!

Paul teaches on how we see things in 1 Corinthians 13:11-12

When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways.   For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known. 

Christain maturity requires us to give up old patterns and embrace new ones.  As we move into maturity the way we live changes.  Our words and actions and even our thought life reflect less of us and more of Christ.

My husband preached last week from the book of James on being less selfish and more selfless.  When we willingly surrender our worldly desires, our delights become God's delights and we live to serve Him.

Maybe we don't always "get it" right now, but one day we will totally understand.

When we keep our eyes on Jesus He guides us to see things how He does.

The Song

"Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus"  Hillsong

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