Come Away With Me

Our 6 year old grandson photographed this sunset flying from Tampa to see us.

From the kitchen, to the garage, to the laundry room. One task led to another and none were on my "to do" list for the day. I actually had a big project sorting out all the cards and games throughout the house and moving them to a new cabinet. That meant emptying the cabinet and finding new homes for over 60 photo albums which would take me into another whole world.  Hmmm. Maybe save this for winter or a rainy day I thought.

As I was down in the laundry room I had the Lord say..."It's a beautiful morning. You have busy days ahead. Take an hour and come away with Me." As I headed to our screened porch I heard Him again. "No phone."  I stopped where I was and said, "But what if someone needs me."  Ha, I know...maybe they will turn to You, Lord. And I was off.

I picked up a devotional book Id never looked at called Devotionals from the Front Porch by Stacy Edwards.  The first one was called "A Rocking Chair."

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

Matthew 11:28

The Song

"A Quiet Place" Whitney Houston

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