Still Moving


The move is going well. So impressed with our daughter in law and her positive attitude with all the newness she is facing.  New city, new house, new school for the kids, new baby, new job for husband, new doctors, etc.  It's a blessing to be able to walk alongside her through all this change.

The move has been a challenge with workers putting in a new HVAC system. The drilling through floors and even brick and concrete has been a challenge to talk over. And the mess, oh, my.  We realized tonight the bottoms of all our shoes and one granddaughter's bare feet were nasty black.

This morning before I faced another day, I plugged into a Bible reading plan I am doing. As I read in Nehemiah chapter 3, the list of all the people who helped to rebuild Jerusalem stirred my heart to reflect on all those who have helped us the past couple days with this move.  (Our son is on a three day corporate retreat so I've been staying and helping our daughter in law and three children.

My husband has run carpools and carried more boxes than he should. One of our sons has come two days in a row with is truck and hauled off boxes to the recycling center. His wife brought us dinner last night.  Our daughter gave her whole day today and easily unpacked 40 boxes and then set up our grandson's bedroom and helped move living room furniture into place.

The real heart tug for me has been four of my church sisters loved by God and me! After Bible study at my house yesterday morning they set into motion, making beds that needed changing, loading my car, washing the dishes in the sink, making a baby bottle, feeding and changing our newborn granddaughter and loading her into the car, so I didn't have to carry her down the steps.n One offered to come to Roanoke and bring us dinner, but it was already being provided.  Then tonight another one of these women and her husband came by with salad, bread, spaghetti and dessert! 

I noticed a light bulb was out in the front hall closet, but I couldn't reach it and they didn't have a stepladder.  I stood staring at in and prayed, "Lord, if it's okay to ask one of the HVAC guys in the basement to help me, would yo have one of them come upstairs?"  Before I said, "Amen" one walked right by me. I told him I'd just prayed and he gladly changed the bulb for me!

God shows up in big and small ways!  He is God over all. He is still on the move.

And He wants us to love and help one another.

And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.  Hebrews 13:16

The Song

"Corner Stone" by Toby Mac

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