Who Hates the Light

 We have changed baby sitting gigs and are now at our daughter's home.

Her family lives on the 14th green of a golf course in the mountains of SW VA and

beholds the most beautiful sunsets at night. Last night was a little cloudy but still such a peaceful reminder of the light of Christ!

I know you have all heard it said, "If the devil isn't messing with you, if things are going smoothly, then you probably aren't doing much for the Lord."

Today's Biblegateway verse is

Yesterday, I had the privilege of listening to three godly people from a variety of backgrounds, sexes, ages and spiritual maturity who were each facing a very different type trial.  One texted:"I need wisdom". Another, "Do you have a minute to pray?" God placed the third on my heart and had me call just as tears were pouring down her cheek out of fear and concern for her husband's serious health issues.  She ended up ministering to me.  Actually, all three did for I had to dig deep into God's Word and listen for God's voice before I responded to their pleas.

These three are sold out for Jesus. One has just recently begun studying the Bible.  One is a godly young husband and father trying to do life in a way that honors God.

All three are perfect targets for devil darts, because they are making an impact in this world for Jesus through their faith.

The Bible is clear in this world we will have trials. We will experience people who hate the light  and thus hate those of us who love The Light.

The Song
 In Christ Alone by Adrienne Liesching


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