Marching Orders #3

Lucado asks the question: "Between the lashes did Jesus remember the precious moments of Mary, the only one who believed him when he referenced he would die?" She had seen Lazarus come out of the tomb. She grasp how one could be rasied from the dead.

How beautiful is this:

"On Jesus’ walk to cross was the fragrance of faith, balm of relief, and even as the soldiers divided his garments Mary’s gesture brought a bouquet to the scene. People ridiculed her, but Jesus said to leave her alone!

She exhibited risky love, extravagant gestures. Pour out your affections on one you love.  Seize the time as Mary did, don’t miss it."

We are commanded to love one another. May we not miss the moments to pour out love onto others.

"The enemy of risky love is a snake who hisses 'Some day.' Nope, do it now."

The Song

(This is not the song I was looking for, but oh how I was blessed.  The angels certainly were not silent after Jesus was born and I believe they are still singing hallelujah in heaven.)

"Hallelujah" Chris Tomlin and Blessing Offor

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