Search and Rescued Part !
(Ages 4, 3, 2 and an infant)
Praise the Lord for keeping them safe. Angels working overtime.
Twice I have had to perform a water rescue. Our second born has always been a "no fear" child. February 1986 I gave birth to child #5. My husband graciously took our four year old to his indoor swimming lesson the for two weeks for me. When it was my turn again, I inquired of my husband as to how he felt our little minnow was progressing. "He's doing great!" was the response.
We arrived at the hotel pool for the lesson before the instructor had arrived. There was no one else was in the building. Our little fellow asked if he could jump in. I asked if he was certain he could swim to the side. "Yes!" And in he jumped. Right into the deep end and he went all the way to the bottom and came up flaying. In wool pants and a dolman sleeved wool sweater, I went to rescue my child. It was a cold wet ride home for me.
There had been a similar experience the year before when I arrived at a Florida resort alone with 4 children for our spring break. Our hotel room was not ready, so I put the children's bathing suits on in the car and took them to the pool. Before I could blink, this fun loving red headed child ran and jumped in the pool and went straight down. I hollered to adults in the pool to help. No one paid a bit of attention, so fully clothed in I went. Mama to the rescue.
Psalm 18:16 He reached down from heaven and rescued me; he drew me out of deep waters.
Clicking on to Pandora, the Contemporary Christain radio station was playing the song "You Will Be Found."
The phrase search and rescue came to mind and I thought of the parable of the one lost sheep where the shepherd went to find him in Luke 15:4-7. I stopped and prayed for people who do not know the Lord to start searching for him, for I know in their seeking they will be found. Jesus is our Rescuer.
Isaiah 65:24
“Before they call I will answer; while they are yet speaking I will hear.”
Psalm 18:19
“He rescued me, because he delighted in me."
Continued tomorrow...
The Song
"You Will Be Found" Natalie Grant/Cory Asbury