Knocking on Heavens Door

July 16
Let my prayer be set before You as incense.
Psalm 141:2
"The kingdom is not for sentimentalists, but for those who mean business with God."
Catherine Marshall

Boo thought: The kingdom is not for sentimentalists and 5:50AM airline flights, for people who live an hour from the airport, are not for sissies! Wherever we are, whatever we do, we have a tool to take along with us...prayer. Knock, knock, knocking on heavens door!
Last night we had an Open House for the new Christian School my husband is to be Head of School for. We had a collage art class for thirteen of the young students visiting. Hands were flying up here and there for help and extra supplies, it was taxing getting around to. Not for God, He is the ultimate multi-tasker. The customer service people at a cell phone store, the DMV or at an airport where there are numerous disgruntled customers probably are looking forward most to going home. Not God, the Psalm says our needs and coming to him in prayer are like incense (a sweet aroma) to Him.

Psalm 141 in Psalms Now soon!
O God, I come to You in sorrow and shame.
I spoke up in my own defense today and uttered words that knifed their way into the heart of my friend, and this created a rift between us.
I would never raise my hand to strike anybody, but the tongue is more destructive than the fist, and I hurt the one I love.

Heal the hurt of my friend, O Lord, and heal the sickness within my heart that forced my foolish tongue into such irresponsible actions.
I come to claim Your loving mercy.
I pray, as well, that you grant my friend the grace to forgive me.
May Your Spirit who abides in my heart curb and control my rebellious tongue and teach me to speak words that give life and promote love in this hate-ridden world.

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