My God Speaks- My Heart is Steadfast
October 31 It's true! Just as the disciples knew what they knew about Jesus, we too have real life experiences with Him today! While these "Godincidences" thrill our hearts personally, we need to speak up and tell of His goodness to others. Yesterday morning the day was looking rough by 5:30AM.God had laid a new project on my heart and I was scrambling to find a scrap of paper on which to jot the message. A few phone calls and emails later I called out to the Lord.. "Something has to give here!" Posting the daily devotional, I decided to skip my shower. Putting half a chunk of bread, from dinner the night before, and a bunch of grapes in my lunch bag I ran out the door without ever sitting quietly before the Lord. By the time I returned home at 4PM I found myself longing to be with Jesus. Opening Quiet Moments with God I laughed out loud. There was my personal message from the Lord! O God, my heart is steadfast. Psalm 57:7 May God speak to you today. Enjoy Ogi...