Planting Time

October 29
Indian summer abounded yesterday with temperatures in the mid 70's and I couldn't wait to finish mopping the bathroom floors and cleaning the toilets at school, so I could get home and be outdoors. My classroom has no windows and that makes for a sacrificial day this time of year as the creation in this Blue Ridge Mt country is bursting forth with an array of pleasing colors.
There were papers to be graded, novels to read and lesson plans to make, but I found myself wanting nothing but Jesus. Struggling with what my priorities really were...Jesus won out and I gave him the first fruits of my free time.
Interestingly, He took me to Galatians 6:7..."A man reaps what he sows."
Want a blessing? Be a blessing. Want a friend? Be a friend.
While I was hanging out with Jesus, I devoured an apple. Setting the core aside a brown apple seed was staring back at me. little seed produces a tree which gives and gives a bountiful harvest. Likewise, God can take little ole us and influence a lot of people for His kingdom.
Now is the time to be planting...

Let's Pray: God, when we take time to look out, not in...we see the investments You have made. Love abounding, love so sincere, love beyond our comprehension and love without limits is the only way to define You. Yet, there exists so much untouched love. There is a beer commercial which used to say...
"Grab all the gusto you can get."
Your love is the gusto of life and is there for the taking, but so many people never take time to acknowledge You and accept Your gift of love. Ugh, here comes a song and I can't find the lyrics...."Tell about his love, tell about his(glory or story)...then it goes on to say something like..."which gets me through." Oh, well it is not of eternal value, but Jesus is. May there be a song in each of our lives that tells the story of Jesus and may it come out of us and touch someone else today.
In Jesus' Name, Amen

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