What is Christmas

December 20
As we continue along a musical Christmas theme I hope you get a laugh from a church sign which said:
"Dancing with the STARS in Bethlehem!"

In their song, "This is Christmas" Kutlass poses the question :
What is Christmas?
If there never was a Savior wrapped in a manger.
What is Christmas without Christ?


We wouldn't be getting our school breaks and days off from work, baking cookies or singing carols, or sending CHRISTmas cards if the Savior hadn't been born. December might be rather dull. Yet, many homes go about decking the halls and making jolly without ever mentioning Christ.

A friend sent an excellent email the other day about how we get up in arms over all the efforts to remove the mention of Christmas from our schools, places of business and government. It went on to challenge our own lives to reflect Christ. It suggested instead of fighting for the nativity scene to be put up at the court house...what if we all put one in our own yards...
do our Christmas cards shout Merry Merry, Be Jolly or do they turn our attention to our Savior.

When someone asks us..."What is Christmas?"
Let's have a list ready to share about the Birthday Boy!

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