Follow Up

It was good to have the whole gang home.
June 20
Tuesday, two different people made the statement "Follow up with me" to me. One was a physician's assistant whom I was seeing for a pain in my leg.  She prescribed an anti-amflamitory drug and then said, "Follow up with me in two weeks."  An hour later, I was visiting an area nursing home and engaged in conversation with a gentleman sitting out front. Forty-five minutes later, after he had challenged me to help him with a project, he dismissed me with this statement, "Follow up with me. Don't disappoint me."  As I drove away from that establishment I felt like God was issuing the same request.  "Follow up with me daily, my child!  Don't disappoint me, we have much to do."

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them and they follow me.  John 10:27

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