Raise A Hallelujah
It's a Hallelujah party. We are not huge fans of Halloween. I am not into spooky even though my name is Boo. When our children were young we'd offer them dinner out, $10 each and a trip to Toys R Us to buy whatever they wanted with that money. (Yes, $10 went a lot further 35 years ago. I was just suckered into paying $15 for a tiny LEGO figure.) The whole evening was done wearing costumes. We actually liked dressing up year round in costumes and still do! Nowadays, with the grands, we gather at Shiloh for a Hallelujah weekend! We have a blast. We post adults at 6 exterior doors and the children go around the house 3 times to receive treats at each door where the adults are playing praise songs on their cell phones. Instead of Trick or Treat you raise a "Hallelujah!" Some of the events this year included rides in our Mule (a week vehicle, not an animal), in...