Mind Your Marriage
This is a very intimate photo of my in laws when they were in their 90's and ended up in the ER at the same time. At first they were in different sections and I would have to run between rooms to check on them. Then one of the nurses arranged for their beds to be rolled to the same area so they could hold onto one another. There's was a love and commitment that endured. As we close out February for 2024 and this emphasis on marraige the phrase "Mind your marriage" came to me. We probably all had mothers who said to us, "Mind your manners," but equally important is that for those who are married we must be intention to keep a clear mind about our marriage and the reality that devil wants to destroy that union. So let's close out the month, praying these scriptures not only for our individual marriages, but for the institution of marriage on a whole. Lord may we be intentional to: Above all...