What's Gnawling at You

Last year we were the victims of a beaver attack on multiple trees in our yard which had been planted two years before. Granny get your gun or a beaver trap! The power company, which governs our lake, required us to replace all trees along the shore line that have fallen during a storm. The largest on was on our boat house. We had removed these trees without the companies permission. We had to submit a plan showing where the trees would go and that they met their requirement by size and species. $1500 later it was done and beavers came and gnawed them to the ground. Grrr. It really made me angry and no, I have not enlightened the power company to the situation. When this photo popped up in my "memories" on my computer the anger surfaced. So, I decided to battle with scripture and thought you might need some anger ammo in your scripture arsenal. Whoever is slow to anger had great understanding, but he who has a hasty temper exa...