
What's Gnawling at You

  Last year we were the victims of a beaver attack on multiple trees in our yard which had been planted two years before.  Granny get your gun or a beaver trap!  The power company, which governs our lake, required us to replace all trees along the shore line that have fallen during a storm.  The largest on was on our boat house. We had removed these trees without the companies permission.  We had to submit a plan showing where the trees would go and that they met their requirement by size and species.  $1500 later it was done and beavers came and gnawed them to the ground. Grrr. It really made me angry and no, I have not enlightened the power company to the situation.  When this photo popped up in my "memories" on my computer the anger surfaced.  So, I decided to battle with scripture and thought you might need some anger ammo in your scripture arsenal.   Whoever is slow to anger had great understanding, but he who has a hasty temper exa...

God's Character is Consistent

  These three grandsons had a wonderful end of the season ski trip to Snowshoe, WVA. On Day 63 of The Bible Recap with Tara Leigh Cobble we were reading in Numbers 18-20 where God is addressing Aaron and his role as high priest.  In chapter 20 we read about the Israelites grumbling to Moses once again, this time over the lack of water.  God provides Moses and Aaron with a miraculous solution, but they do not carry it out to God's specifications. In verse 24 the Lord says, " Aaron, this is where you will die. You and Moses disobeyed me at Meribah, and so you will not enter the land I promised to the Israelites. " In this study Cobble writes what she calls her "God Shot" from the passage. " God's character is so consistent . Over and over, we see how He makes His rules and His people disobey Him, and while they have to deal with the consequences of their sins, He's ultimately so merciful .  From clothing Adam and Eve while banishing them from the gar...

Delights Yourself in the Lord.

This sequence of our 6  year old granddaughter's birthday dinner shows DELIGHT. The song at the end of this entry does the same thing. See the  delight   in the musicians' faces as they worship the Lord. Listening to us sing Happy Birthday Blowing out the candle. Ready to dig in. This text from our musician daughter, who was blessed to live  in Nashville for 20 years,  appeared on my phone. "Oh! This is amazing!  The way they delight in each other takes me back to Nashville days watching my friends create new worship music." That set me on a scriptural hunt about what it means to delight oneself in the Lord. At I read this First John 2:15–17   says, “Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them. For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass aw...

The Praying Harpist- Freedom

Praying Harpist “Freedom”

Spring-Restoration Time

  Happy First Day of Spring! Spring is my favorite season! Seeing God at work through creation, which has been dormant, being restored back to life, is exhilarating and a visible reminder of who He is.  Spring is the season of hope. I love how God is making all things new, from plants bursting forth showing off their frilly blooms to animals proudly parading they newborns around. In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope.  1 Peter 1:3   When we get to heaven, I think it will be the most over the top spring  season we could ever imagine, for all things, which includes each one of us, will be made new!  Now that's a hallelujah. Bring on heaven!   The Song “New Soul” Yael Naim

So Many Ducks to Get in a Row

  One of my favorite photos from Shiloh.  This little family loved life in the back of our cove on our beach. Our home printer is broken so I asked my husband to run off some copies for my Bible Study group at church. He said, "Is that for this week?" I said, "No, it's for next week, but I have  so many ducks to get in a row I need to stay ahead of it." He laughed. Ever since we started having children, we've had lots of "ducks to get in a row." The American Psychological Association found, in 2023, that 58% of U.S. adults aged 18 to 34 felt that most days their stress is completely overwhelming. We use phrases like "ducks in a row," "juggling plates" and one of my favorites is when I feel like I am in a "swirling toilet bowl" trying not to go down. When we are on overload we should go to the Lord, but with the realization he is most likely going to set us on a different course as he did Martha. The Lord answered, ...

What's Coming Up

Happy Birthday to my main squeeze. Thanking God for the wild ride he is allowing us to take together here on earth!   Well, we have moved our clocks up for the spring daylight savings time change. The Shiloh daffodils have come up out of the ground and the spring CHORES at coming up as well.  Easter is coming up in just a few weeks and the Andrews family has twelve birthday celebrations  coming up  this spring. College students will have final exams and summer break coming up and I know several pregnant women who have the delivery of their babies coming up. There is always something on our horizons.  Like the thought or not, we all have our earthly departure coming up. The next time someone asks you what your future plans are say, "I am really looking forward to seeing the dwelling place Jesus has gone to prepare for me." There are many rooms in my Father's house. I wouldn't tell you this, unless it was true. I am going there to prepare a place for each of you...