Standing Patiently

November 15-16
James 5:7-11 patient and stand firm, because the
Lord's coming is near.
Don't grumble against each other.

James continues writing and is having us
reflect on Job's perseverance and the
happy ending that story had. An ending
full of God's compassion and mercy,
although none of us would want to tread
where he trod, even for a double dose
of blessings.

So what comes from being patient
and standing is the
closeness and familiarity we begin
to possess of the one whose hand we
are holding during the waiting period.
We really get to know Him!

We may look at the comment "the Lord's
coming is near" and think...OK, that's
been said for a long time there
truth in it just a teacher or
parent's trick to make us behave? I find
it more to be a method of helping us meet
the Master intimately!

What does God want each of us to take away
from these verses in James 5 today? For me
"don't grumble against each other" is the
part in staring at me in bold. I am tired
of the political hoopla, the battering back
and forth. It is what it is right now and
we are called to be what we are as believers
in Christ..."Salt and light" to a very lost
Let's Pray: Father, with You there is
purpose in our lives! You are the Master
Chess Player, moving your children around
with bring glory to You.
Wherever we land today, may we know that
You have led the way and we can hold on to
You, standing our ground patiently until
the next move comes along! In Jesus' Name,

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