Ha Ha

February 16

A cheerful heart is good medicine. Proverbs 17:22

Visiting friends in Atlanta this weekend, I heard our guest's
daughter keep talking about a "Ha Ha." She is a landscape
architect and had come across this term meaning:sunken fence. It
is a type of boundary designed not to interrupt the view and to
be invisible until seen from close by. I am guessing the name
comes from coming upon it unexpectedly and saying "Ha ha"
before you fall off!

While with these friends we shared wonderful fellowship and lots
of "ha ha" laughter. During a time of prayer before we left, the
Lord impressed upon my heart that as brothers and sisters in Christ
we need to be obedient to God's instructions to gather to gather
regularly in the coming months and share the "ha ha" joy of the Lord.
We are to encourage one another daily!

Encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today,
so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness.

Hebrews 3:13

Let's Pray: Father, no matter what comes our way today, we will lift
our voices in praise to You and give thanks. We will look at the
clouds floating by and smile remembering You placed them there today.
We will hear the bird sing or the baby cry and remember You created
that unique sound. We will look in the mirror and see the balding spot,
the brand new wrinkle or the sagging belly and say "Ha Ha" that was
unexpected, did You make that last night Father?" And we will begin
to grin and rejoice because we are loved. In Jesus Name, Amen

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