What We Don't Know

February 9

This morning AOL has a quiz on its main page testing the knowledge of what
abbreviated company names stand for...CVC, UPS, FYE, etc.
Yesterday, I came across the word "w00t". Now, that is spelled with two
zeros and just happens to have won Webster's new word of the year contest
in 2007. It is an interjection which means expressing joy (it could be after a
triumph, or for no reason at all); similar in use to the word "yay".

"W00t! God's mercies are new every morning."

We are so accepting of many things we don't know much about...the
ingredients in our food or drugs, strangers in a restaurant preparing our
food, companies whose names we don't even know what they stand for, and
what our government leaders are up to with stimulus packages.
(OK, so maybe we are not real trusting of that last one.)

Why is it then that the Word of God, which has stood the test of time, is
so hard for people to accept as beneficial to their lives? I was talking
to someone recently who said he just didn't think he could believe all the
Jesus stuff anymore. My final point with him was....what is it going to hurt
to believe. Wouldn't you rather ere on the side of caution and be headed to
heaven if it comes to pass?

People feel so much has to be given up in life to walk with Christ...
what they don't know is that they are missing out on an abundance of
love and peace when they don't trust and walk with Him.

Let's pray:
Lord, may today be the day, when someone who is lost finds their way.
Yes, finds their way, right into Your loving arms.
If You come back today Lord, those of us who love you may be saying
"w00t" when we meet You in the sky! In Jesus Name, Amen

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