The Change

April 25-26

Our Lake Kroger has been undergoing an expansion this past year. It has been and still is a mess. Each week you have no idea what would be on which aisle and which department will be under renovation. There has been no sushi for a month!

My grocery list was lengthy yesterday and it actually took me an hour and twenty minutes to get in and out of the store. The ESPN Bass Brawl and incredibly hot temperatures predicted had the weekenders pouring in to shop.
When I arrived at the check out counter and began placing my items on the conveyor belt I realized the bag boy had Downs Syndrome. My heart thrilled at the
character of Kroger for hiring this young man. Wanting to make his job easier
I began unloading my items in a very orderly fashion...all the heavy things first, all the refrigerated items together, the bag salads together, the frozen foods together and of course chips, ice cream cones, and breads for last.
The check out girl and I got a bit chatty and before I knew it my cart
was ready for me to pull out to the parking lot.

Oh, my goodness, what a mess had been made of my groceries. I've never seen
such bagging style. Everything which had been set out in precise order had been distributed in a shall we say: "crushing" manner.
The chips were on top of the cart, but somehow the salads, breads and vegetables were underneath the milk, juice, Clorox and cartons of ice cream.
But do you know was not of eternal value.

Who else establishes things in precise order and we make a mess of the plan?
Forgive us Lord!

The Change, is about more than hormones and hot flashes,
it is about heart tones!

When does "The Change" happen?
Thinking back I do recall wondering why things just didn't bother my mother
any more. She didn't seem to get riled over the offenses that had occurred to
her or to me for that matter. Sharing complaints with her were not fulfilling, because you didn't get a rise out of her.

The Change comes in our lives when we see encounters in the light of whether
they are of eternal value or not. The Change occurs when life is all about
Jesus and not who we see in the mirror or whose groceries are in the cart
we are pushing. Dying to self is a requirement of living "The Changed" life.

I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children,
you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 18:3

Let's Pray: Father, praise Your name that You and Your
perfection never change. Forgive us for our selfishness and our
stubbornness. Change our hearts today and make them as You intended them
to be. In Jesus' Name, Amen

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