After the Rain

November 13
Docks are under water, boats are floating loose and Stanley Steamer trucks are hustling up and down the roadways profiting from other's losses. My eyes tear up as I think back to visiting a faculty member yesterday who lost many things in this flood. Entering her home all that was found on her kitchen table was her wedding album. Only one corner had been damaged before she made the rescue.

This song came to mind:
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus There's just something about that name
Master, Savior, Jesus Like the fragrance after the rain
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Let all Heaven and Earth proclaim
Kings and kingdoms Will all pass away But there's something about that Name.

The rains are still coming this morning, joined by wind. There is no fragrance like what you would find after a refreshing rain. No, just the opposite with threats of mold, must, and mildew. There is a sweet fragrance though. The fragrance of friendship, camaraderie and caring. A hand extended to lift a heavy load; a hug wrapped around a heart which is stunned and doesn't know which way to turn. A warm cup of coffee carried into a home where the heat has had to be turned off or a pair of rain boots loaned out for wading through water in hopes of salvaging a memento from life before the flood. Most of all the sweetness comes from a prayer reminding another that Jesus cares and there will be brighter days after the rain.

Genesis 8:18
So Noah came out, together with his sons and his wife and his sons' wives.

Who do you know who has just come out of an "after the rain" time in their life?
Picture your hand reaching out to them and touching them in some way with the warmth of Jesus.

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