
January 30-31
Invasion is defined as:the incoming or spread of something usually harmful;
or the act of invading. Invade is defined:to enter for conquest.

A blustery snow storm has invaded our part of the country and presently the snow is invading our lovely screen porch and piling up outside our bedroom door like I have never seen! I love it though! Praise God for gas logs and a warm house and please pray for this area to not loose power.

The prepositional phrase "of something usually harmful" really caught my eye in the invasion definition. I just got off the phone with a dear, dear friend of thirty-three years. Infection had invaded his father's health and took his life last night. Yesterday, I was able to spend a wonderful afternoon with another "old" group of friends, two of whom are battling the invasion of cancer in their bodies.
They now endure chemo treatments in hopes that drug will invade and conquer the cancer cells.Another email came telling of a young man, whom my husband coached, who is in the Army and serving in Afghanistan and has been seriously injured due to an invasion.Death, disease, war...all ugly harmful occurrences that are realities which invade our lives.
The flip side of this heartache is a heart issue which is what came to mind when I awakened to the word "invasion". My immediately prayer was this:
"Lord, invade my heart today. Make your will my want. Invade any secret places which could be harboring bitterness, resentment, jealousy or anger and remove those replacing them with your joy, peace and grace. In Jesus' Name, Amen"

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