
 An upside down world!
 Reflect on who we are.
August 2
Seldom do I look at nature's reflection on the lake.  I am looking out or up.  On my "go now" getaway with God the other morning, the beauty of the reflection on the water was captivating.  Making my way to the boat house, where I shot this photos, I passed this scripture sign above beckoning me to reflex on who I am and the reality that my life has purpose.
Today I will ask myself these questions and see how I can better reflect Christ.
Who am I in Christ?
Who am I as a wife?
Who am I as a mother?
Who am I as a daughter?
Who am I as a friend?
Who am I as a mentor and encourager?

Quick aside. Monday and Tuesday I listened to Revive Our Hearts and a woman speaking on friendships.  She suggested, as women, we need an Elizabeth, a Mary and Martha in our lives.
Elizabeth-an older woman to mentor us.
Mary- a younger woman for us to invest our lives in and mentor
Martha-a peer who is going through similar life experiences and will be honest with us and prayerful for us.

I encourage you to reflect on those around you.  Does your involvement with those individuals bring you and them to a closer resemblance of Jesus?  May we all see things from God's perspective today.

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