Just Call Me
August 10
Stopping for lunch in a fast food restaurant the other day we had a couple of our grandchildren in tow.
My grandmother name is "Mama Boo", but one young man has shortened it and on occasion it comes out sounding like "My Boo". The couple sitting next to us got a kick out of that as well as hearing the sweet little voice identify my husband as Papa. The gentleman at the table said, "My grandfather name is Papa, but our youngest grandchild has decided to call me P.P." Then he chuckled and said, "I don't care what he calls me. I just love having him call to me."
Jesus is probably a tough name for beginning word formation. The "b", "d", "p", "m" and "n" vowels usually make the first cut. God may be a tough one as well. But when others see us calling upon the Lord, they learn how to "shout His name" with joy! God has so many names. He doesn't care so much what we call Him, but that we call him.
Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord, will be saved. Romans 10:13
I called to the LORD, who is worthy of praise. Psalm 18:3