You Steady My Heart

 Harrison & Moses watching as Parks and Reese drive away.

Three empty cribs.
All the baby products packed away.
No newborn snuggles for the next few days.

August 16
The summer has been baby filled and I have loved every minute.  The last car pulled out this morning and once again I sobbed. When our three year old grandson left Sunday, I told him to remember he was taking a piece of my heart with him. He reached out of his carseat and touched where my heart is and said, "I will take a piece of your heart with me," and gave me a great big smile.
This morning, while vacuuming, washing and changing sheets (including three baby beds) I talked with the Lord about why saying "good-bye" hurts so much.
Then I realized I needed to stop doing chores and steal away with the Lord a bit.  Opening my laptop I noticed this video on God Tube and found such comfort in this song "Steady My Heart" by Kari Jobe.

And I will run to You. You're my refuge in Your arms. 
And I will sing to You. Cause of everything You are. You steady my heart. 

I hope it ministers to your heart hurts today.

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