Majesty, Worship His Majesty

Praise the Lord, my soul.  Lord my God, you are very great;
you are clothes with splendor and majesty!
Psalm 104:1

March 26
Quite often I awaken with my spirit singing the song, Majesty.  
Majesty, worship His Majesty. To the Lord be all glory, honor and praise.
The other morning I awakened singing that song and then I realized my dreams had been full of tears and torment related to churches. In my dream, pastors and pastors wives, had been hurt deeply by their congregations or life's snares forcing them to leave the churches they at some point had been called to serve.  In one part of the dream, my husband and I left a church in tears due to hurt feelings related to changing light bulbs.  (I need Daniel to help interpret that one!)
Contemplating parts of the dream and what could have caused it, I realized we had run into a pastor last week in the grocery store whom we hadn't seen in years.  He told us about another pastor in our area who had been ousted from his church, then had a heart attack and then his father died.  At the church we are presently attending, the campus pastor has resigned due to the seriously of his wife's cancer and his desire to spend time caring for her and their young son.  The night before the dream I had prayed with a dear friend, who is a pastor's wife in another city, over issues mounting up in their congregation.
Being in ministry is not for sissies, but for those who trust in the Lord and are willing to lay down their lives for their friend and master, Jesus.

How much happy our churches would be if Jesus was the center of each members' attention.  If they entered His church with praise and came with an attitude of worshipping His Majesty instead of having their personal needs met.  If we looked at our fellow members as "part of our body, which God had woven together for His purpose" and we cared for them as we care for ourselves.

I just recalled my favorite part of the dream.  I was visiting a church of another denomination and I had my grandson in my lap.  The minister of music announced to the congregation that he was going to play a praise song that broke from the traditional hymns they sang, but he asked the congregation to allow the music and lyrics to penetrate their spirits.  As people began to pray, my grandson's little hands were lifted into the air in praise.  The congregation was so moved by the purity and sincerity of this little one that joy filled their hearts and many other hands were lifted high.

Majesty, Worship His Majesty and may our hallelujahs be heard throughout this land!

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