Peace through the Cross?

John the Baptist announced, “Behold the Lamb of God who taketh away the sins of the world.” The Lamb of God died on the same day as the Passover lambs were being slain on Mount Moriah, the very limestone ridge where long ago God had told Abraham, “God will provide Himself a lamb.” Jesus said, “Abraham saw My day, and was glad.” (John 8:56)
By Adrian Rogers

March 29
I've always struggled with the term Good Friday.  It's just so hard to grasp why God chose this sacrificing of his Son, as the way for atonement of our sins.  If He was looking for a way to "stop us in our tracks" and make us value the sacrifice, He got my attention.  I'd have appreciated a prettier picture, but SIN isn't a pretty picture, is it?

... having made peace through the blood of His cross.” - Colossians 1:20

Adrian Rogers wrote:

"How can a cross bring peace if Jesus is the One hanging there?
At the cross, wickedness was not appeased. Wickedness was confronted.
At the cross, sin was not overlooked. Sin was atoned and paid for.

God’s greatest righteousness confronted man’s greatest wickedness, and righteousness won! Peace was attained through the blood of the cross."

So what do we do with our knowledge of Good Friday, our knowledge of Christ hanging on the cross, our appreciation for the phrase Jesus spoke with his last few breaths..."It is finished."  Will we talk about it today to someone who may be clueless what today represents?  That's what God would have wanted.  We could tell someone today and then invite them to come along to church on Sunday for the greatest celebration of the year!

Paul wrote:
He wants not only us but everyone saved, you know, everyone to get to know the truth we've learned: that there's one God and only one, and one Priest-Mediator between God and us-Jesus, who offered himself in exchange for everyone held captive by sin, to set the all free.  Eventually the news is going to get out.  This and this only has been my appointed work: getting this news to those who have never heard of God, and explaining how it works by simple faith and plain truth.  1 Timothy 2:5-7

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