Ring A Ling

March 5
My hubby had already headed to bed and I was in the kitchen painting a large cow picture for our grandchildren.  Ring-a-ling went the phone. I knew the 90 year old voice on the other end of the phone well. It was one of my mentors.  A lover of God's Word.  One of those people, whose knee you could sit at and listen to forever.  One with whom you converse and the message she/he relays is full of meat.  Concern for the well being of a mutual friend, who had been hospitalized, surfaced and the conversation led to her spiritual well being in addition to the physical needs.  The comment was made "I am not sure where she stands with the Lord."  The insight continued...if someone has never mentioned their relationship to Jesus with you, more than likely they don't have one with Him.
When we are catching up with friends we are quick to inquire about their family members, their business, their travels and travails.  Why is it we seldom ask how our relationship with the Lord is going?
The next time you are talking to a loved one or friend, you might consider asking..."What have you learned about Jesus lately?"  or "How has the Holy Spirit guided, taught and comforted you in resent days?"

But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.  John 14:26

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