
April 24
The word for the morning, yesterday, was "invest". Feeling as if I had recently written on this topic, I turned to Biblegateway to see where this word was leading.  Investing our time in the Word is certainly a beneficial cause, but as I searched the NIV "invest" did not come up, but ten passages highlighting "investigate" led to my morning inquiry and I settled on these verses in Ecclesiastes 7:24-25.

Whatever exists is far off and most profound-who can discover it?  So I turned my mind to understand, to investigate and to search out wisdom and the scheme of things and to understand the stupidity of wickedness and the madness of folly.  

Isn't that perfect for what our nation is facing in light of last week's tragedy in Boston.  How well put is the phrase "the stupidity of wickedness and the madness of folly"?

We all need wisdom and we need to pray fervently for the leaders, whom authority we are under, to seek wisdom as well.

What have you investigated this week?
Emails, recipes, vacation spots, new appliances, medical expertise, diets, spring plantings, a new book to read, financial opportunities...
Do we investigate and search for the wisdom of the Lord with equal passion and urgency?

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